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The Speedy Duo-2 brings fun and enjoyment to hand cycling, that without power assist can sometimes be too hard to be enjoyable for long distances. With its clever power assist the Speedy Duo allows you to overcome obstacles to enjoyment and yet still get the exercise benefits from healthy aerobic activity.

Price from: £4,293 Excl. VAT

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The powerful electric motor built in to the front wheel is extremely efficient. A benefit not to be overlooked is that clever positioning of the batteries either side of the front wheel gives added traction to the front wheel for climbing hills and there is no modification of your wheelchair required.
The Duo comes with an option for Tetra grips and back pedal brake which makes this a really great choice for tetraplegics The Duo enjoys the benefits of a parking stand with easy on/off capability that makes using the bike for short trips to shops, cafes, pubs and commuting a real pleasure.

The Speedy docking system is an auto-latching mechanism which engages into place by simply pushing away on the attachment handles.


Speedy Handbikes

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