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Invacare Alber Erivo

The new Alber Erivo folding powerchair is similar to other products of this type, but has some great unique selling points, such as solid tyres and a market leading Maximum user weight capacity of 150kg (23.5 Stone). At 26kg, this model is heavy to physically lift-up by hand, but perfect for hoisting into a vehicle.

Price from: £2,900 Excl. VAT

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Available in two versions; the R10 standard model is available to supply in only 5 working days, and has a single 11Ah (flight-approved) Battery with an approximate range of 17Km. The R11 has a huge capacity 30Ah battery and lights, for an additional £600.

The seat plate is made from a flat composite plastic and in combination with the foam cushion and integrated rear suspension system, it provides a comfortable ride. The backrest material is padded, with an incorporated pocket flap.

The armrests flip-back for easy access onto the seat, and the central footplate is height-adjustable

Unlike some cheaper product solutions from other manufacturers, the Erivo features a high-quality branded LiNX REM060 remote that is easy to carry out maintenance on, and to adjust programming settings.

The front castor wheels are an 8″ solid Polyurethane type, and the rear wheels are a  12.5″ solid infill that will provide hundreds of miles of carefree driving.

The 2 Year warranty is also a great feature for peace of mind with purchasing a product like the Erivo folding powerchair.


Invacare Wheelchairs, Powerchairs & Mobility Scooters

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